I’m sure you’ve heard of goji, and açai, and pomegranate, but have you heard of sea buckthorn? The newest claim to superfood stardom?
With 12x the vitamin c of an orange, an ability to reduce C-reactive protein, and a high content of omega 3,6,9 and the elusive 7, it’s no wonder this amazing berry is pushing its way into the nutrition and culinary worlds.
These berries were picked just a few blocks from my house. Check out your local scene to see if you can find some near you.

I made a syrup from the berries to be used in making kombucha.
I made the syrup as follows:
First using sharp scissors and avoiding the large sharp thorns, cut away the tender berries trying to keep them relatively intact.
Next, I placed the berries in a pot and I covered the berries with water. Summer for 10-15 minutes until the berries are completely broken down and have released all their juices. Cool slightly and press through a sieve. Measure the volume of the liquid and add equal parts of plain white sugar (organic if desired). You can use less sugar, but this is designed to be replacing the sugar in kombucha so I wanted it to be a heavy syrup for this purpose. Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer until all sugar has completely dissolved.
Cool before bottling.

Enjoy your foraged treasure!